Well. I pitched my inquiry idea to the colleagues this morning and it lead to a fantastic conversation, needless to say it's a much better plan now. Rather than asking the kids to develop plans for fishtanks, sand boxes or swimming pools which will never be put into play, we're going to design and build planter boxes for the windows. This was an idea which grew from our discussion about connecting maths not only to the real world but to our unit of inquiry also - our central idea is "The material and form of an object affects it's use". Hello, makes perfect sense.
So, here's the task: Design, plan and build a planter box which can be stored on our windowsill. You will need to consider what materials you will use, how much of them you will need and how much soil you will require. You will need to prepare an accurate and detailed diagram as the plan for your planter box. All of the finished boxes will have a new home on our window.
How do you provide opportunities for kids to develop conceptual understandings in meaningful, real world situations?
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